In Native American Culture, Hair Meets Soul Meets Body
Table Of Content Hand And Feet Of Native American People Historical fact: Native American female hairstyles Hair Care The Navajo Squash Blossom Check Out Native American Physical Characteristics [All You Need To Know] Native American Hairstyles When we cut our hair, it represents the end of something that once was and a new beginning. When we do have to cut our hair, it is never to be thrown away, but rather, burned with sage or sweetgrass in a ceremonial way. When our hair is burned, all of our thoughts, prayers, dreams, aspirations, experiences, and history rise to the Creator to be properly taken care of. So, when my Grandfather had his hair cut off and thrown away, his tears were of deep grief, confusion, helplessness, and shame. It was against everything he had ever been taught, along with grieving the loss of everything his hair represented to him. Native American children were sent to boarding schools where they were forced to cut their hair. Hand And Feet Of Native Amer...